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RoteZora 29-11-2007 00:02

Metallica - Nothing else matters

relaxnoob 29-11-2007 15:29

David Bowie
Every one say's Hi

Dark Warrior 29-11-2007 15:33

Soilwork - Martyr

Saroc 29-11-2007 20:03

Mantus - Wie Ein Engel

VeGeta23 29-11-2007 23:49


Saroc 30-11-2007 13:27


The Berzerker - Commited To Nothing
The Berzerker - All About You
The Berzerker - Free Yourself


Napalm Death - Puritanical Punishment Beating

relaxnoob 30-11-2007 13:58


fadmax 30-11-2007 15:33

No Sports - King Kong

Chrisser 30-11-2007 16:22

Rollins Band - Step Back

VeGeta23 01-12-2007 08:42

Rihanna-Please dont stop the music

Amosh 01-12-2007 11:38

Nightwish - The Poet And The Pendulum

Der Refrain hat in den letzten Tagen Ohrwurmcharakter bei mir bekommen. :D

Matze I 01-12-2007 15:47

Ghost Love Score

YODA 01-12-2007 16:34

Annie Lennox - Sing

Comet 01-12-2007 19:00

In Extremo - Spielmannsfluch

YODA 03-12-2007 14:42

Slade - Merry Christmas Everybody

Matze I 03-12-2007 14:54

Over the hills and far away

Saroc 03-12-2007 15:21

Linkin Park - What I've Done

SailedAway 03-12-2007 20:22

Editors - The racing rats

Germane45 03-12-2007 20:37

The Beatles- Here comes the sun

Matze I 04-12-2007 20:41

Nun Komm´ der heiden Heiland

SailedAway 04-12-2007 20:43

editors - when anger shows

relaxnoob 05-12-2007 08:43


Matze I 05-12-2007 10:19

Day´s to the Wolves

Germane45 05-12-2007 20:04

Torfrock - Presslufthammer B b b bernhard

VeGeta23 05-12-2007 21:43

Mario-Let me love you

Saroc 05-12-2007 21:55

Mayhem - From The Dark Past

SailedAway 05-12-2007 23:18

The Hives - Tick Tick Boom

YODA 06-12-2007 00:14

Pointer Sisters - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

Sven 06-12-2007 00:34

Ohje, hört mir mit den blöden US Weihnachtsliedern auf... Anfang Dezember... :kotz: Den Blödsinn muss ich schon jeden Tag im Radio ertragen.

Stiff Little Fingers - Bloody Dub

Firefly 06-12-2007 18:57

monster magnet - live for the moment
breaking benjamin - lady bug

Alle Zeitangaben in WEZ +2. Es ist jetzt 01:51 Uhr.

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