CnC Foren

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Sven 04-04-2006 15:13

C&C Helpfile (speziell bei Abstürzen)
Das hab ich auf den offiziellen EA C&C Foren gefunden:

C&C – The FixFiles
To avoid C&C crashes (especially in TD and RA1)

Hi suffering comrades! Even though EA assured that Decade will satisfy our c&c-needs, there are still some slightly problems with C&C under XP…
Here are the best fixes I found:

Crash workarounds:

CTHelper.exe Crash (thx to xaliim)
- Run “msconfig”
- Click the Startup tab
- Scroll down the list of tick boxes to find “CTHelper.exe”
- Untick it, click apply, click okay
- Reboot, load C&C and it should work!

Sound accelerating (thx to EA (jojo, they work also ;-D)
- Run “dxdiag”
- Click the Sound tab
- Turn Sound accelerating off

Corner Crash (thx to lordpalleon)
- Control Panel
- Regional and Language Options
- Languages tab
- Text Services and Languages
- Advanced tab
- Untick advanced text services

Too many Apps running
Be sure you close all unnecessary apps/processes (Ctrl + Alt + Del) and thus run xp nudely before you start the game!

Gameplay improvements:

Game still too slow?
Run “ccsetup.exe” / “rasetup.exe”
Untick “Back buffer in Video Memory”
Click Ok

Scroll-Rate still too fast?
Open “conquer.ini“ / “redalert.ini”
Search for ScrollRate
Set it to ScrollRate=7

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