Thema: Router
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To set up a SMC Model# SMC7004VWBR Wireless Barricade Router:

These instructions show how to set up your SMC Wireless Router to open ports in your firewall so that Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour can create or connect to an online game.

NOTE: This configuration is intended only for people experiencing connection problems from behind a SMC SMC7004VWBR Wireless Barricade Router/Firewall. Other SMC Routers may or may not work with similar setups. Before you attempt to configure your router please visit and download the latest firmware update.

1. To access the SMC Wireless Barricade's management interface, open your web browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, etc.). In the address box enter which is the default address for the SMC7004VWBR Wireless Router. Then click "Login". (By default there is no password.)

NOTE: If you changed the router's IP address or specified a password, then enter the new address in your web browser and specified password at the login screen. For more information, please consult your SMC User's Guide.

2. At the home page of the SMC management interface, click "Advanced Setup".

3. On the left hand side of the "Advanced Setup" screen click on "NAT" and then select "Special Application" from the sub menu.

4. On the "Special Application" screen you will need to set up an individual rule for each computer connected to your Router/Firewall to be used while playing Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour online. For each computer define the following settings.

TRIGGER PORT: Enter a port number that is used to initiate the connection. Do not use a standard port. For example, you can use 27901 for the first computer and 27902 for the second and so on. The trigger port must be unique for each computer.

TRIGGER TYPE: Select UDP, the protocol used by the game.

PUBLIC PORT: Enter the same port number here that you entered in the Trigger Port field for each computer.

PUBLIC TYPE: Select UDP, the protocol used by the game.

ENABLED: Check this box to enable the settings you entered for each computer.

NOTE: Write down each port number used in step 4. You'll need to know this for step 6.

5. Repeat step 4 for each computer connected to your Router/Firewall that is used to play Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour online. To finish, click "Apply" and then close your web browser.

6. Now you must tell the game what port to use. Start Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour on each computer. At the Main Menu select "Options". At the bottom of the "Options" screen under "Network Options" look for "Firewall Port Override". In the dialog box type a port number that matches one of the port numbers entered in step 4. Then, on the same screen click "Refresh NAT". Click "Accept" to apply your settings and exit the "Options" screen.

7. Repeat step 6 for each computer connected to your Router/Firewall that is being used to play Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour online. Again, each computer must use a unique port number that matches one used in step 4.

8. You are now ready to play Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour online.
Kenn mich damit aber nit so aus , habe erst seit 2 tagen nen router und weiss GAR NICHT , was ich machen muss um generals online zocken zu können.
evtl. könnt ihr mir ja helfen , hab nen siemens se515 wlan router ...
was für ports muss ich wo freischalten und welche protokolle muss ich dafür benutzen ?
danke im vorraus !
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