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Alt 11-05-2006, 14:21
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Von Planetcnc.com:
I just got off the phone with Sledgehammer70 (see the post below) as he was heading home from a productive day at E3, and he had some pretty interesting things to say about his experience with the C&C3 trailers and demo. As I thought, EA is indeed using the same "360-degree" surround-video setup they had for BFME2 to show a special surround trailer of C&C3. The trailer builds up the storyline only to end with the cliffhanger image of a space ship creeping up on the Earth...

On a more tangible note, Sledge confirmed that the rendering engine has been significantly upgraded for C&C3 and looks more awesome than any other RTS game he's seen - which makes sense, since C&C3 is the most far-off RTS game we know of. He said it even blew away, in his opinion, the long-awaited Supreme Commander, the sort of "spiritual sequel" to Total Annihilation. From his perspective, C&C3 had a much more tactical and control-oriented focus compared to the chaos of SC, which he described as much more Starcraft-like.

One item of interest is that (some of?) the GDI infantry have little jet packs that allow them to power-jump off of cliffs to get places faster - sounds like a more realistic version of the JumpJet infantry from TS and RA2.

Sledge said C&C3 is definitely going to be a "High EPM" game - for those of you not In The Know, EPM stands for "Explosions Per Minute". Remember my C&C Top Ten video? Looks like someone at EA heard about my #1 choice .

Sledge was expecting the sort of improvement that BFME2 brought to BFME, but he told me C&C3 improves on BFME2's engine far more impressively, with scorching sun haze, tanks that look real, and structures that blew him away.

Oh... and one more thing:

Sledge said he'd see if he could "smuggle" us (with Apoc's permission - and maybe with Apoc's camera, too) a tape of the 360-degree trailer video tomorrow

Raumschiff das sich der Erde nähert?
GDI Infantrie mit 'Jump_Jets'
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