die aktuelle Rock-Patch-Version ist 1.08 ( erschienen 8. Juni 2007 ).
das das Rock-Patch-Projekt zu diesem Zeitpunkt auch eingestellt wurde, denke ich nicht, dass es einen neueren als 1.08 geben wird
upps... ok gab doch einen
=> http://files.renegadeprojects.com/Ro..._1_10_0036.exe da ist dein #0036 
DL funzt nicht -.-
Please note that this project was recently ended. The information presented might be changed or moved around soon.
The RockPatch was an unofficial patch or "exe hack" for Westwood's Yuri's Revenge, created by pd and later continued by CnCVK. Major code contributions were also made by jonwil, and Marshall frequently wrapped the releases into a convenient patcher, before he eventually created an automated program for the coders to do this themselves. RockPatch gained fame through the fact that, for the first time ever, someone overcame rules(md).ini limitations and modded YR in a way that could not be done via INI modifications1. It was also revolutionary in a different kind of way: It finally proved that the key to extending or modding the engine were not the often-cited .TLB-files, but the game(md).exe itself.
Having been created on January 14, 2005, RockPatch ran for two and a half years, until development was ceased on June 08, 2007. As of now, it is unknown whether the project will be restarted.
The highest created RockPatch version was 1.10, however, that version is not publically available anymore. The highest available version is RPCE #0055.