23-05-2008, 09:22
Registriert seit: Feb 2002
Ort: Berlin
Beiträge: 9.911
OL Nick: RedBasti
Zitat von Apoc
All Nod:
Catalyst missile radius decreased to 100
The Catalyst missile has been rebalanced to the new refinery cost
Dozer Blades upgrade increased to 2000/60s from 1000/30s
Cost more closely approximates power and usefulness, build time allows opposing player to more effectively build counter units
Beam cannon range increased 500 to 600
Intended 1.09 change that never made it :o)
Avatar and Purifier main beam weapon damage increased 850 to 900
The Avatar and Purifier are more closely aligned with the Mammoth and Tripod
Fanatic damage increased 325 to 700, radius 40 to 50
Fanatic relative power increased to 1.09 TW levels
Flame tank cannon penalty reduced 200 to 150
Flame tanks are now more resilient when used against a mixed army
Rage generator hallucination time 20s to 3s
Still fun, but not army-destroying fun
Shadow Team summon power cost increased to 2500
Shadow teams can no longer be acquired per-cost with this ability, this also increases the opportunity cost of an early Shadow Team rush
Black disciples upgrade increased from 1500/30s to 2000/60s
Cost and build time brought more closely in line with relative power
Purifying flame cost/build time increased to 3000/90s from 2000/45s
Cost and build time brought more closely in line with relative power
Commandeered Beam Cannon damage increased 600 to 900
Commandeering is now, in terms of power per cost, 10% more effective than building a second avatar, but once he goes down, so do all of your weapons!
Flame tank damage with purifying flame increased 216 to 300
Purify them!
Purifier flame damage with purifying flame reduced 750 to 300
Purifier no longer deals absurd amounts of damage to everything and more closely aligned with other flame weapons.
Supercharged particle shredder turret damage decreased 150 to 90
Supercharged turret is no longer more effective versus vehicles than the laser turret
Charged particle shredder turret damage decreased 100 to 80
Charged turret is no longer more effective versus vehicles than the laser turret
Shadow team explosive charge damage reduced 2000 to 1500
Now requires 3 teams to take down a power plant, 7 teams to take down a refinery, brought more in-line with increased refinery cost and the slower economy
Mantis range increased 275 to 300
Mantis can now engage air units more effectively without incurring significant damage
Confessor cabal cost/buildtime increased 300/3 to 400/4, damage increased 4 to 6
Confessor cabal is less easily spammable and brought more closely in line with cost of final upgraded form, early-game damage increased to compensate
Laser-upgraded buggy now deals more damage than unupgraded (75 to 100)
Laser-upgraded laser turret now deals more damage than unupgraded (140 to 210)
[i]The upgrade produces a beneficial result, instead of a negative one. Good thing.
Vertigo disruption pods now subtract the appropriate 500 credits on use
Bug fix.
Mutant marauder damage increased 6 to 9, speed increased 40 to 60
Mutant marauders can now keep up with/cost-effectively deal with unupgraded infantry. They'll fight for you!
Quelle: http://forums.ea.com/mboards/thread....sageID=3558689