04-12-2008, 22:49
Registriert seit: Sep 2002
Ort: Western Woods
Beiträge: 1.520
OL Nick: Chrissyx
Style: CnCForen Standard
Style: Standard
Nachtrag von APOC:
-Friendly reminder that we are planning on releasing a 1.06 Beta Patch very, very soon which will allow you to test the new Automatch in an effort to provide us feedback to ensure it is stable. We are also looking to include 1-2 more imminent fixes in this, see below.
-The Co-Op lobbies should appear shortly. There is a backend server change to turn them on that was meant to happen when the patch went live this morning, that is in progress and you should see them very soon. Don't worry, its a not a patch issue =)
-name isn't displayed to yourself in the lobbies like c&c3 so you can’t rollover and check your own stats is a known issue that we will try and resolve potentially in 1.06. It is a minor annoyance we agree.
-Worldbuilder will be up on the site shortly with the patch downloads, i'm publishing this article myself =)
-Crane exploit was discovered too late in our patching process and we did not want to delay the patch any further, but we realize this is a very critical balance exploit and are aiming to work it in the 1.06 patch which i've referenced in the previous thread.
Quelle: http://forums.commandandconquer.com/...list/3318.page