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Alt 30-09-2002, 18:22
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Lucky8 Lucky8 ist offline

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Ort: CH
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Oder Hier:


CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Research, the world's largest particle physics centre. Founded in 1954, the laboratory was one of Europe's first joint ventures, and has become a shining example of international collaboration. From the original 12 signatories of the CERN convention, membership has grown to the present 20 Member States.

CERN explores what matter is made of, and what forces hold it together.

The Laboratory provides state-of-the-art scientific facilities for researchers to use. These are accelerators which accelerate tiny particles to a fraction under the speed of light, and detectors to make the particles visible.

Leider nur auf englisch oder Französisch

Wie man AM genau aufbewahrt weiss ich nicht, aber ich glaube das geht mit Magnetfeldern.
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