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Alt 23-12-2002, 17:19
Benutzerbild von XMuMuX
XMuMuX XMuMuX ist offline

Registriert seit: Jul 2002
Beiträge: 9.741
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XMuMuX eine Nachricht über ICQ schicken
Style: Dune
ich will ja keinen beschuldigen der in nem fairen clan is, aber 3 plays sprechen nich gerade sehr für ihn....

InPain4YR [the mystery of oktron] Result: Out of Sync Wash Game
Points: 732
Record: 28/0/2
Side: Yuri
Units Killed/Bought/Left: 0/12/0
Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 0/19/0
Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 0/20/0
Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 0/0/0
Saw Completion: Yes
IP: 172.176.18X.XXX

litfusion [r@zor bl@de] Result: Out of Sync Wash Game
Points: 637
Record: 43/4/5
Side: Allies
Units Killed/Bought/Left: 4/11/10
Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 10/10/13
Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 13/5/1
Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 0/0/0
Saw Completion: Yes
IP: 203.134.6X.XXX

InPain4YR [the mystery of oktron] Result: Out of Sync Wash Game
Points: 790
Record: 34/1/2
Side: Yuri
Units Killed/Bought/Left: 1/14/0
Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 0/14/11
Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 2/6/21
Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 0/0/0
Saw Completion: Yes
IP: 172.178.3X.XXX

LostLake Result: Out of Sync Wash Game
Points: 659
Record: 55/4/6
Side: Allies
Units Killed/Bought/Left: 9/14/12
Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 2/12/16
Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 3/9/10
Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 0/0/0
Saw Completion: Yes
IP: 210.85.1X.XXX

InPain4YR [the mystery of oktron] Result: Out of Sync Wash Game
Points: 719
Record: 29/1/2
Side: Yuri
Units Killed/Bought/Left: 11/29/0
Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 0/21/8
Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 10/12/23
Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 0/0/0
Saw Completion: Yes
IP: 172.185.1X.XXX

kirkchabo Result: Out of Sync Wash Game
Points: 561
Record: 102/71/7
Side: Allies
Units Killed/Bought/Left: 15/24/8
Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 7/8/12
Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 9/16/9
Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 0/0/0
Saw Completion: No
IP: 24.150.14X.XXX

was mich am meisten stört is das erste plays was ich aufgelistet habe! da hatte er gar nix mehr