hm hat echt noch niemand geschrieben dasses den patch jetzt gibt?? naja ka wann der rausgekommen is habn nur grad gefunden.. also scheinbar bin ich der erste
da gibts den patch:
und das soll er bringen:
Version 1.5
Issues addressed:
1. STAT RECORDING INACCURACY: Made sure the online stats are tracked correctly. Initial disconnecting players will be tracked and wins/losses will be correctly tabulated. One note to remember: At the Disconnect Voting screen players MUST wait for the count down to finish. A player that exits this screen before the count down is done will receive a disconnect. Also, the voting button has been removed from any 2 player game Disconnect Screen.
2. US BARRACKS EXPLOIT: Lowered the number of Rangers that appear after a US Barracks is destroyed.
3. BUGGY MISSILE TRACKING AFTER UPGRADE: Made sure the missiles continue tracking targets after the player upgrades the Rocket Buggy.
4. RELOADING COMANCHES, ROCKET BUGGIES: Made sure the Rocket Buggy and
the Comanches can reload reliably.
5. GLA FAST BUILD BUG: Fixed exploit that allowed multiple Workers to
speed structure build times.
6. DOUBLE PLANE WEAPONS CAUSE INCORRECT DAMAGE (All planes): Made sure that targets take damage correctly when multiple ordinances hit a target simultaneously.
7. SOME USERS ARE SEEN IN THE WRONG GAME LOBBIES: Fixed this so that “phantom” users wouldn’t be seen in misc. lobbies.
• Bug fixed in MiG damage code where upgraded napalm did too much damage to targets.
• GLA Bomb truck health up from 220 to 250.
• Worker health up from 100 to 140.
• Tunnel Network gun damage increased from 10 per shot to 15 per shot.
• Overlord build time increased from 20 to 25 seconds.
• Scorpion Tank now builds in 10 seconds instead of 14.
• GLA Arms Dealer build up time decreased from 50 to 40 seconds (ini seconds, not game seconds.)
• Tunnel Network Build Time improved from 20 seconds to 15 seconds (ini seconds, not game seconds.)
achja hab grad gesehn dasses den patch aufm ea-server scheinbar seit: 01 April 2003, 20:19