Thema: 1.6 in Arbeit
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Alt 23-04-2003, 15:11
Benutzerbild von Sven
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Das beste ist die Aussage von Col. Burton EAP bezüglich Direct Connect:
I’ve seen a few people on the boards having problems with Direct Connect and thought I should clarify its supported use.

I’ve noticed that some people have mentioned that they’ve been trying to use Direct Connect to play against friends across the internet. Using the Direct Connect feature (with or without a firewall) for online play is not supported.

Direct Connect was designed for LAN use only and is not supported as an online feature. If Direct Connect is used as intended, firewalls are not an issue.

Hope this Helps!
Äh, ja, nee, is klar...
Und welchen Sinn hat die Funktion dann bitte?
Im LAN ist es ja herzlich sinnlos sich per Direct Connect zu verbinden, da gibt's eine nette Lobby....
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