Das könnte erklären, warum man von TT nix hört:
Q. What can you tell us, generally speaking, about future plans of EALA? What about the future of the Tiberian storyline of C&C (Brett Sperry...)? More genre crossing C&C in the future, a possibility?
A: The exact plans of EALA are always being reviewed and modified to fit the direction of the market but the general goal is to be the best in the world ad FPS and RTS products and to do that one title at a time. We are truly focused on product quality and good market timing. The Tiberian storyline is in the capable hands of the EALA RTS team. Brett is his own person and still has many contributions to make to the industry as he chooses.
Soll heissen, das EALA also immer nur ein C&C Titel zur Zeit entwickelt? Derzeit ist Zero Hour in der Mache, also kann man von TT erst nach diesem Release etwas hören!

Wird aber knapp, wenn TT noch dieses Jahr erscheinen soll...