also ich bekomm immer ne meldung
*** Auto starting game. Type 'quit' to abort ***
*** Auto starting game. Type 'quit' to abort ***
*** Auto starting game. Type 'quit' to abort ***
*** Auto starting game. Type 'quit' to abort ***
hab keinen schimmer wieso...
hab ne serial von einem eurer community bekommen, und hab meinen echten WON accound benutzt mit dem ich auch CCR zocke.
aber der server startet nicht.
in der Readme und auch hier im forum habe ich leider nix passendes dazu gefunden.
in nem andren thread hab ich gesehen, wie des normal aussehen sollte.
aber so siehts bei mir ned aus.
hier meine ini
; Config =
; This specifies the location of the game settings file used by the master
; server. You can change this to point to any Renegade server settings .ini
; file or change the default .ini file to reflect the game settings you would
; like for your server.
Config = svrcfg_cnc.ini
; GameType =
; Set this to WOL for a Westwood Online dedicated server.
; Set this to GameSpy for a GameSpy mode dedicated server.
; Set this to LAN for a LAN mode dedicated server.
GameType = WOL
; Nickname =
; This is the Westwood Online nickname you will use when logging into the
; Westwood Online matchmaking system. You can use a nickname from a previous
; Westwood Studios game or apply for a new one by copying the following line
; and pasting it into your web browsers address window
Nickname = skyranger
; Password =
; This is the password that matches the nickname used above.
Password = *******
; Serial =
; The serial number that you specified when installing the Renegade Dedicated
; Server.
Serial = 123123123132123132131
; LoginServer =
; This field can be used to specify the Westwood Online matchmaking server
; to connect to. If left blank, the Renegade Server will connect to the
; closest matchmaking server. To specify a server to connect to, use one of
; the names listed above in the section 'Available Westwood Servers'.
LoginServer =
; Port =
; This is the UDP port that the Renegade Dedicated Server will use to
; communicate with game clients. This should normally be left at 0 and the
; Server will decide for itself what port to use. This should work with most
; firewalls and NAT connections but, if you need to manually set a port, you
; can do it here.
Port = 0
; GameSpyGamePort =
; This is the UDP port that the Renegade Dedicated Server will use to
; communicate with game clients, while running as a GameSpy Server. When running
; as a GameSpy server this port value will be used instead of the above Port value.
; The default value is 4848.
GameSpyGamePort = 0
; GameSpyQueryPort =
; This is the UDP port that the Renegade Dedicated Server will use to
; communicate with the GameSpy Master Server and GameSpy clients. The default
; value is 25300. If this port is in use Renegade will find another port
; to use instead(25301, 25302, ...).
GameSpyQueryPort = 0
; BandwidthUp =
; If you know how much bandwidth you want to allocate for the Renegade
; Server to use then you can specify it here. A minimum of 60k bits per second
; is recommended for each client you plan to connect to. If you leave this
; value as 0 (the default) then the available bandwidth will be automatically
; detected(WOL only). Some guidelines follow.
; Set to 1500000 for a 32 player game
; Set to 750000 for a 16 player game
; Set to 250000 for an 8 player game
; Make sure you don't set the Bandwidth number to be higher than your
; actual available bandwidth or gameplay performance will be poor.
BandwidthUp = 800000
; NetUpdateRate =
; Set this to control the frequency of network updates sent to clients. This
; is the number of updates sent per second. Higher values increase network
; traffic, lower values decrease traffic. Valid values must be in the 5 - 30
; range. As you increase NetUpdateRate the values set for BandwidthUp must
; also scale accordingly. The default is 10.
NetUpdateRate = 10
; AllowRemoteAdmin =
; Set this to true to enable remote server administration via the RenRem
; tool. You must also set a password for remote administration to be
; allowed.
; Slave servers inherit this setting from the master.
AllowRemoteAdmin = true
; RemoteAdminPassword =
; This is the password required to connect to a server with the RenRem
; admin too.
; Slave servers inherit this setting from the master.
RemoteAdminPassword = *******
; RemoteAdminIp =
; This is the ip that the remote administration service will listen for
; incoming request on. The default is to listen on ALL ip addresses. If
; you have an internal ip address and only want to administer internally
; set this to your internal ip address.
RemoteAdminIP =
; RemoteAdminPort =
; The port to connect to for remote administration.
; This can be set per slave. The default slave ports will be shown when
; connecting to the master with the RenRem tool.
RemoteAdminPort = 5555
; Renegade Slave Server settings.
; These sections contain the settings for the Renegade Slave Servers. Each
; additional server you want to run can be configured seperately by modifying
; the corresponding section below.
; The settings for a slave server are the same as for a master with the
; exception of the 'enable' flag. Setting Enable = 1 will enable the given
; Slave Server. The Slave Server will start automatically at the same time
; as the Master Renegade Server.
; Each Slave Server must have it's own login name, password & serial number.
die passwörter und sicherheitsrelevanten daten habe ich durch sterne ersetzt.