Es wurde eine Mail an alle Beta Tester geschickte. Bitte die Installation wiederholen, und bei den genannten Fehlern die angegebene Person kontaktieren.
According to our records, you have signed up for the Blackhand Studios Core Patch 1 Beta Test. We are addressing a few specific issues with the Core Patch installer. If you encountered any of the problems listed below, we need to hear from you!
In addition to the instructions below, please visit and keep us updated on your experiences in this beta test.
- Any problems downloading or installing CP1
- Language.exe crashing/errors
- Unable to see any servers after install
- Unable to start Renegade after install
We are NOT looking for feedback at this time regarding any gameplay issues or map-specific issues.
Please re-download the Core Patch to test for these issues by cutting and pasting the following lines into a notepad file called "renguard.reg" and running the file to update your registry.
-------- COPY BELOW HERE --------
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
-------- COPY ABOVE HERE --------
If you are experiencing these problems, please contact our CP1 installer coder jonwil BEFORE attempting to fix the issue yourself at:
AIM: jonwil2002
ICQ: 77572965
IRC: / #bhs_support
If you contact jonwil, please have a screenshot of the language.exe window and the downloader so we can properly identify the error.
Blackhand Studios