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Umfrageergebnis anzeigen: Was hört ihr so (ganz grob)
Richtung Metal: Heavy, Speed, Nu, Gothic 41 42,71%
Hip Hop, ... 33 34,38%
Gothic (nicht zu verwechseln mit GothicMetal) 3 3,13%
Klassik 14 14,58%
Pop 18 18,75%
Rock 42 43,75%
Meditatives 3 3,13%
Alles, woran ich jetzt nicht gedacht hab.... 16 16,67%
Punk - Crossover - Independent 26 27,08%
Trance - Techno 18 18,75%
Multiple-Choice-Umfrage. Teilnehmer: 96. Du darfst bei dieser Umfrage nicht abstimmen

Themen-Optionen Bewertung: Bewertung: 4 Stimmen, 4,50 durchschnittlich. Ansicht
Alt 02-09-2002, 22:20
Gwarrior6 Gwarrior6 ist offline
Havocs Schuhputzer

Registriert seit: Feb 2002
Beiträge: 447
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OL Nick: MuMuWarlord
My Plague RULZ!

I'm in conniptions for the final act you came here for
The one derivative you manage is the one I abhor
I need a minute to elaborate for everyone the
Everyday bullshit things that you have done

Your impossible ego fuck is like a
Megalomaniacal tab on my tongue
You fuckin' touch me I will rip you apart
I'll reach in and take a bite out of that
Shit you call a heart...

I don't mind being ogled, ridiculed
Made to feel miniscule
If you consider the source, it's kinda pitiful
The only thing you really know about me is...
...that's all you'll ever know

I know why you blame me (yourself)
I know why you plague me (yourself)

I'm turning it around like a knife in the shell
I wanna understand why, but I'm hurting myself
I haven't seen a lotta reasons to stop it
I can't just drop it
I'm just a bastard, but at least I admit it
At least I admit it

I know why you blame me (yourself)
I know why you plague me (yourself)

Kill you - fuck you - i will never be you
Kill you - fuck you - i will never be you
I can't fuckin' take it anymore
A snap of the synapse
And now it's fuckin' war
Kill you - fuck you - i will never be you
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