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Alt 30-04-2003, 12:31
Benutzerbild von Markus
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ENDLICH ! Die Entwickler reagieren auf die MIG !!!!

Col. Burt - EAP
Supreme Commander
Member # 14136

posted April 29, 2003 05:58 PM
Hey Guys and Gals,

Well if this topic doesn't start the proverbial flood of responses I don't know what will. Basically the team is looking for input from the community on why so many of you think that MiGs are too powerful.

Please keep your comments short and concise. The dev team is very busy and has limited time to look at these responses, so the shorter the better.

Example: MiG hit points need to be reduced. They seem to always survive an attack and make it back to base.

Short and Sweet!

We look forward to your input!

Col. Burt
Production Support Technician
Command & Conquer Generals
Electronic Arts
Wenn ihr eure Meinung schreiben wollt dann hier geht aber nur um knstruktive Kritik das heisst was und warum die MIG geändert werden soll.

! LINK !

Was haltet ihr davon ?

Ich find es gut...wurde auch echt mal Zeit das da was geändert wird !
Mit Zitat antworten


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