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Alt 11-06-2004, 09:14
Benutzerbild von Unreal
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OL Nick: Unreal|Mad
Neuigkeiten von Battletech: The Capellan Solution

Für alle Freunde des Battletech: The Capellan Solution Mod\'s gibts jetzt schöne Neuigkeiten. Die Version 1.5b wird mit größter warscheinlichkeit gegen Ende dieses Monats veröffentlicht.

Hier die orginal Meldung:
Small status update
Hey everyone. I know i said we\'d have something special to show, but we decided to play for keeps, at least for now.
Suffice it to say, v1.5b will be released near the end of the month, and will have more than a few surprises, which the team hopes you will all like, as well as the usual range of gameplay tweaks and bug fixes.
Stay tuned for more information, we\'ll eventually start releasing a few teasers!


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