Fragen an Louis Castle
Hallo Leute,
wenn ihr Loius Castle direkt eine Frage stellen könnte, was würdet ihr wissen wollen? Euch zu helfen, hier ein bisschen Info zu Louis: Louis Castle is responsible for helping all of EALA's creative teams realize their product visions and specifically guide individual product teams as needed. Castle was co-founder of Westwood Studios, which became a part of EALA in January 2003. Westwood was a pioneer in the RTS genre, having established the hugely successful Command and Conquer franchise, and the first real-time strategy game in the interactive entertainment industry, in 1993. Castle received the Game Developer Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 1999, in recognition of his tremendous contributions to the industry. Castle was the General Manager of Westwood Studios from 2000-2003 and served in creative, business and financial roles while growing Westwood from two employees in 1985 to over 250 in two locations in 2002. In his creative roles, Castle has contributed as executive producer, creative director, technical director, programmer and artist to over 100 games created by Westwood over the past 18 years. His business positions include serving as the COO and finance officer for Westwood Studios between 1992 and 2000, a period in which the company negotiated 4 multinational acquisitions. Castle is passionate about the products and the people who create them. His role at EALA allows him to leverage his considerable interactive entertainment experience to add value across the spectrum of EALA's creative and business developments. Die Antworten werden nicht hier beantwortet, und nicht alle Fragen können direkt beantwortet werden, aber ich verspreche Euch, dass es Wert ist mitzumachen. Danke in Voraus, Spin666.
"Die aggressivste Variante des Homo ludens ist die hirnlos pöbelnde Forensau. Wie ein Ungetüm stampft sie schmatzend durch Diskussionen und wühlt wild schnaufend den Boden auf, um Argumente aufzufressen oder sanft sprießende Dispute schon im Keim zu ersticken. Dabei verlässt die Forensau selbst den Boden streitbarer Polemik und sondert ungehemmt so viele Fäkalien ab, dass Zeichensetzung, Orthografie und vor allem Stil in einem braun blubbernden Bombardement untergehen. In diesem Brei suhlt sie sich dann, um ihren Nachwuchs anzulocken. Irgendwann stinkt es dann an Orten ihrer Verwüstung wie in einem Schweinestall." Mikki Kasperk |