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Alt 26-01-2008, 11:00
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Zitat von Apoc
Global Veterancy: Has minimal scaling at ranks 1 and 2.

Proposed Change: First and second ranks of veterancy to fit better with rank 3 veterancy

Global Harvester: Needs health normalization

Proposed Change: Reduce all harvester health by 20% and specifically the Nod harvesters normalized to Scrin/GDI harvester health

Global Harvester: Rocket armor limits benefit of harassment strategies

Proposed Change: Increased vulnerability to Rocket Damage by 20%

Global Infantry: Missile squads take low damage vs their counter tier 1 gun type damage unit

Proposed Change: Increase vulnerability to Gun Damage by 20%

GDI Orca: The orca is too cost effective overall

Proposed Change: Orca armor reduced overall

GDI Rig: Slow movement speed

Proposed Change: Movespeed increased to predator tank levels; still feels slow but better

GDI Rig: Hitpoints are low for the unit's effectiveness

Proposed Change: Increase unit hitpoints total

Nod Avatar: Upgrades feel ineffective for investment required

Proposed Change: Buff to Avatar upgrades to encourage more use

Nod Avatar: Feels too effective & powerful in current form

Proposed Change: Increase base cost of unit, or nerf unit damage

Nod Catalyst Missile: This power seems too strong for its cost

Proposed Change: Slight nerf by raising cost, cooldown, and/or lowering damage

Nod Attack Bikes: Seem too slow

Proposed Change: Increase movespeed to 160

Nod Commando Move speed feels slow

Proposed Change: Slightly increase movespeed

Scrin Corruptor Low health/armor when compared with similar tier2 units of other factions

Proposed Change: Movespeed and health normalized to Flame Tank model, with a percentage less damage

GDI Firehawk: Friendly fire damage makes these units feel unappealing

Proposed Change: Friendly fire of firehawks removed

Global Repair: Structure repair feature easily counters small squads

Proposed Change: Global repair function has speed reduced by 60%

Global Superweapons: All superweapons cooldowns normalized

Proposed Change: Normalizing superweapons will have most impact in casual games, where they are used often

GDI Firehawk: Not effective enough vs tier 3 ground units

Proposed Change: Increase damage vs tier3 ground units

GDI Orca Strike: Ineffective for current cost

Proposed Change: Cost/benefit is more balanced to encourage use

Nod Fanatics: Movement speed is too slow

Proposed Change: Increase movespeed

Nod Buggy: Upgraded laser damage against infantry is less than unupgraded

Proposed Change: Increase damage vs infantry

Nod Beam Cannon: Not useful enough at Tier3

Proposed Change: Moved to Tier 2

GDI Grenadier: Grenades move too slowly and are easily dodged

Proposed Change: Projectile speed increased slightly

GDI ZoneTrooper/Commando: Can be attacked while jumpjetting but cannot return fire

Proposed Change: Units are not attackable while jumpjetting
Bitte beachtet, dass es sich hier nicht um finale Änderungen handelt! Apoc stellt diese Vorschläge bewusst zur Diskussion.
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Oh, isn't there someone else you can annoy? Friends? Family? Poisonous reptiles? - Manfred in Ice Age

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