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Alt 01-05-2008, 19:42
Benutzerbild von Bossi
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OL Nick: FreakyFreestyl
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Es wird momentan NCIHT an KW gearbeitet

wie da zu lesen ist, hat EA wohl "bessere" zu tun , als ein unbalanciertes total MP -versautes (Async/game.dat fehler) Spiel für alle spielbar und angenehm zu machen

Hey everyone,

We have been in a very unfortunate unexpected situation the past few weeks since Kane's Wrath release, in that we've had to devote all resources to Red Alert 3, and more importantly some urgent matters on the XBOX 360 version of Kane's Wrath. I'd like to be completely open and honest here on the situation so you know we are not just blatantly ignoring Kane's Wrath, which we definitely are NOT doing.

I totally feel your pain and am on your side and know these issues are having severe impact on online play. What is happening now was unexpected and I apologize on the impact. This is not indicative of the type of future support you can expect for Kanes Wrath, Red Alert 3, or even C&C 3.

I'm told that we should be able to put resources back on the Kane's Wrath patch as soon as Monday of next week and I am pushing for a hot-fix to the criticla desync/exploit issues/lingering technical issues from C&C 3 before a formal balance patch.

That's the best, most honest info I have right now. Please understand, from myself, and Mike Verdu, this was not the intent and we are doing everything in our power to right this ship around ASAP.

Where's the Army of the Dead when you need them?

Na dann
In diesem sinne³:

Muchas Maracas

Mit Zitat antworten


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