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Alt 05-11-2008, 15:48
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Häppchenweises AddOn?

David Silverman hat verlauten lassen, dass es möglicherweise zu einem Release eines AddOns in einzelnen 'Häppchen' kommen könnte:
EA is considering giving Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 fans "portions" of post-release content that focus on one particular part of the game, instead of a single, all-encompassing expansion pack.

Speaking to in an interview to be published later this week, producer and C&C TV presenter David Silverman said that EALA would "address the fans' needs faster" by providing "portions" of a traditional expansion pack.

He said: "I don't know if we're going to follow a pipeline of, here's a traditional expansion pack, maybe looking at something that allows us to be a little bit more nimble and address the fans' needs faster by offering portions of that. So instead of, here's your giant massive $40-50 expansion pack, maybe it's, 'oh you want more story?', well here's the campaign expansion, 'you want more multiplayer maps and what not?', here's the multiplayer expansion, 'you want to play co-op?', here's the co-op expansion. If we can start to think about it like that it allows us to be a little bit more nimble and help address the demand from the fans faster."
EALA möchte scheinbar auf ein einziges großes AddOn verzichten und stattdessen einzelne Teile releasen, beispielsweise ein Mappack mit MP Maps, eine einzelne Kamapgne etc. pp.
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