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Alt 07-06-2003, 10:02
Benutzerbild von Junker
Junker Junker ist offline
StarCraft 2 Beta Tester

Registriert seit: Jul 2001
Beiträge: 8.731
Junker ist...
1.6 Infos - neue Lobbies; QM auf 1024 x 756 möglich

posted June 06, 2003 04:46 PM
Dear C&C Generals players,

As promised, here are more specifics on the planned 1.6 patch which should be out in the next 2-3 weeks. We are not rushing it through testing to ensure that it is a big plus, not a big minus for the community.

Here is the run down...

1. FIREWALLPORTOVERRIDE INI ENTRY - repaired this entry so it functions correctly.

2. ALT-F4 MULTIPLAYER EXPLOIT - Quitting the game during a multiplayer match using Alt-F4 will now correctly give the offending user a disconnect stat.

3. CHINESE AND KOREAN IME WINDOW ORDER - Re-prioritized the Korean and Chinese IME windows on the Save/Load screen so they now sort on top of all other windows.

4. SCUD STORM ANTHRAX BETA BUG - GLA’s Scud Storm now has the correct damage radius when upgraded with Anthrax Beta.

5. CHINA GATTLING TANK BUG - China’s Gattling Tank now correctly moves slower when it is damaged.

6. MULTIPLAYER LOBBIES – The lobbies have been renamed to allow people to congregate based on the type of game they want to play, not just their region.

1 vs 1
2 vs 2
3 vs 3
4 vs 4
N America
S America
No Rush
No Supers
Mod Maps

• China’s Gattling weapons now require Line of Sight to fire.
• China’s MiG cost increased from 1000 to 1200.
• China’s MiG Armor cost increased from 500 to 1000.
• US’s Cold Fusion Reactor Control Rod upgrade cost decreased from 800 to 500.

8. QUICKMATCH RESOLUTION – the resolution for QuickMatch games is no longer limited to 800x600. All resolutions allowed.

9. INVISIBLE UNITS - Fixing the problem where “behind the buildings” graphic was causing people with some old video cards to see invisible units.

10. NVIDIA GeForce FX fix - Fixed graphics glitch with certain drivers for GeForce FX.

Hope that helps. We're at your service.

Harvard Bonin
Command & Conquer Generals
Electronic Arts
Für all die Bugs, die es gibt werden recht wenig behandelt. Interessant ist aber die neue Aufteilung der Lobbies. Ob man dann in der Lobby No Supers auch wirklich keine SW bauen kann?
Gleich im Anschluss wurde das Update 1.7 bestätigt. Es soll weiterhin Balanceänderungen bringen.


Verdammt, wurde aber auch Zeit.

Geändert von Junker (07-06-2003 um 10:23 Uhr).
Mit Zitat antworten


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