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Alt 07-06-2004, 01:08
Gerry Gerry ist offline

Registriert seit: Feb 2003
Beiträge: 655
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Generals - "Support" endgültig eingestellt

Na ja, wird wissen es nicht erst seit gestern, wie toll der Support von EA ist/war, doch jetzt lässt man die restlichen Spieler ganz alleine:

Es wird defintiv keinen Patch mehr geben. Alle Mitarbeiter bei EALA arbeiten offensichtlich am neuen Sensations-RTS "Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth"

Danke EA(LA) !

-MHReviewer- (06/05/04 00:54 AM)
We only ask for a little balancing patch tbh, and I currently have 12 top players working on balancing issues. I would like some for of contact, maybe you if you were kind enough, to be a point of contact, to present this balance to. This way EA dont have to do anything apart from put the patch as a official release. Any help you could give us would be great, I really aprreciate it! Thank you

BFMEMike (06/05/04 00:55 AM)
EA won't accept an outside patch as an offical release - and it's not likely to get the attention of the team sice they're all working on BFME

-MHReviewer- (06/05/04 00:56 AM)
Ah. Thats a shame to be honest WIll you return to the community after BFME?

-MHReviewer- (06/05/04 00:56 AM)
Zero Hour community that is?

BFMEMike (06/05/04 00:56 AM)
if there's another C&C game, yes

-MHReviewer- (06/05/04 00:57 AM)
Ok, So there will not be any further updates to ZH then? I thank you in advance for your time.

BFMEMike (06/05/04 00:57 AM)
no, there won't be

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