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Alt 05-05-2016, 18:11
Elmar Elmar ist offline

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Ich hab jetzt Singleplayer einmal durch. Für mich nach dem Feierabend gut, einfach mal paar Missionen unkomplizierte Action. Nicht mehr aber auch nicht weniger. Klar gibt es wenig Abwechslung, aber bei "Z" gabs auch nur eine Fraktion und war lange unterhaltsam.
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Alt 07-05-2016, 15:52
Benutzerbild von Sven
Sven Sven ist offline

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Geplanter weiterer Entwicklungsweg:
What's next for 8-Bit Armies?
Hi everyone!

We have been listening to your feedback, improving the core game, and figuring out what’s next. Now, a couple weeks after launch we have a plan we wanted to share with all of you.

Since April 22nd we have spent a great majority of our time responding to your suggestions for improvements, or helping with compatibility issues – or whatever happens to be on your mind. Four updates in the first two weeks (with another one planned for tomorrow) has kept us busy, but we wanted to be sure the game was in great condition before switching gears to adding more content - like our next faction. Over the next month we’re going to continue handling any issues that appear, but also slow down the frequency of patches as we switch back into “future content mode”.

Right from the start, we wanted to let you know we have plans to expand the game by placing a teaser on the main menu. We received some really great ideas from you on what we should do next, and where the existing single faction feels a little light. Today, we’re glad to announce that we have begun work on the second faction! We expect to share more information about it in about 2 weeks, and also start looking for beta testers around that time. We’ll put a call out for volunteers in the forums and in Discord chat as soon as there's something ready to play. Stay Tuned!

We have had many requests for more units, multiplayer features, and all kinds of other additions to the game – many of these feature improvements have already been added. We also know that a lot of people want to build, share, and play their own maps – and we’re happy to report that work on the map editor has already begun. It’s a big task and there are some obstacles to getting it ready but our goal is to get it released in May if everything goes well.

Since we’re a small team, and there is so much we want to do, there has to be some prioritization to determine what gets done first – mostly due to your feedback. Our plan (subject to change) for the next couple months looks like this…


Ongoing Updates & Improvements
Map Editor!
More Maps!
Faction 2 Beta-Testing


Ongoing Updates & Improvements
Faction 2 Release
Additional Campaign (Co-Op/Single Player) Missions
Balance adjustments as necessary
Planning for what's next...

And somewhere in May or June we are planning to support localized content. We're currently working on this, but a delivery date has not yet been nailed down.

As always, we appreciate the great support you have for us, the development team. We read the forums every day and your posts are sparking lots of side discussions in the hallways here. Thanks again, and please continue to let us know what you think!


Neuer Patch:
GAME UPDATE #6 - 05/06 @ 16:00 (PST):


Added Co-Op Mission: 10 Commandos
Added Co-Op Mission: King of the Hill
(Player Request) Steam Trading Cards are now enabled! There are a total of 10 cards to collect.
(Player Request) Added easy difficulty option for Co-Op campaign.
(Player Request) Players can now drop structures within the normal build radius of their allies in skirmish & multiplayer modes. This can help in situations where your friend is getting picked on by an aggressive AI or enemy player.
(Player Request) Resource Slider: Allows players to increase the total amount of resource found on ALL oil derricks for that specific match.
(Player Request) Passwords enabled for private multiplayer game lobbies.
(Player Request) 8-Bit Armies: Audio: Reduced Win/Lose music back to default level.
Campaign objectives are now visible in the multiplayer lobby if in a co-op campaign game.
Name for multiplayer game can now be adjusted (it is no longer just the player's name).


Even more improvements to lobby latency. We think (hope) this handles all remaining lag issues in the lobby for the last few people that were seeing them.
Added messaging when host hits the launch button so other players know something is happening.
Added version out of date warning to multiplayer match list display for those rare situations where a player can connect with an old client.
Added support for directed unit guard voice responses, as well as a GUI SFX for confirmation.
Better messaging to players regarding communication status / issues with connecting to the server.
Fixed inconsistency between build range with buildings of different sizes.
Fixed some extents to match grid cell placement logic better.
Fixed issue with AI not kiting tanks and harvesters when they should.
Fixed "Is it hot in here" nuke achievement.
Back-end UI improvements to support multiple factions.
Updated 8-bit font to have more/better glyphs.
Mission 19: Leapfrog - Several adjustments to make it a little easier.
Added 3 second delay after victory/defeat before movie plays so people aren’t sometimes surprised that the mission is over.
Engineer heal rate increased to 8/second (was 5/second).
Health bar on the commando has been raised such that it no longer impales his head.
Fix for game name to support mixed-case in lobbies.
Fix for transports missing control group text.
Added button states to the sell and repair buttons so players can more easily see that they are in Sell or Repair mode.
Slight increase to build distance to prevent issues with giving some players an unfair advantage when starting on certain start positions over others.
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Alt 11-05-2016, 20:48
Benutzerbild von Sven
Sven Sven ist offline

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OL Nick: xysvenxy
Style: cncboard hat eine Ladder für 8BA online gestellt:
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Alt 13-05-2016, 15:35
Benutzerbild von Sven
Sven Sven ist offline

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OL Nick: xysvenxy
Style: cncboard
Neuer Patch:

(Player Request): Added a command bar in lower left which shows selected units. Can be hidden or unhidden, and units can be selected from within the group by selecting the sub-group.
(Player Request): Players can send money to friends playing on the same team. Can use the button in the upper right corner to bring up a special UI for this, or just click any allied unit or structure and click the “Insert” key.
(Player Request): Players can now ping the map with offensive and defensive pings. Default hotkeys for this are Alt-G and Ctrl-Alt-G, but we are looking to set these to something else in the future.
All player names are now shown in the upper right corner (used to be just players with nukes). Can be turned on/off/minimized by hitting the F5 key.
Added social buttons for Facebook and Twitter.


Co-Op campaign mission 1 and 2 difficulty were adjusted to make them more reasonable (especially for the first two co-op missions!)
All Co-Op campaign missions: AI no longer attempts to kite making it easier for players to use harvesters to crush AI infantry easier.
Added support for local player crate effects with HUD voice notifications.
Experimental audio fix for ASUS Xonar shutdown audio issues.
Changed video default to borderless fullscreen windowed. This will solve problems for some new players. This affects everyone, so just adjust back to your previous settings if you prefer.
Added check for "Enter" press while in the password entry dialog.
When hosting while logged into GOG, the hostname field now shows the proper GOG name not the computer name.
Fix for unpowered turret animations playing when not supposed to.
Added additional error messages for when joining a custom match fails.
Better handling of unicode player names.
Fix for nuke timer display showing correctly after a loaded save game.
Fix for unit production time being cut when transferring production between factories while unpowered.
Updated faction UI colors to be more legible in chat interface.
Außerdem kommt heute, wenn sie nicht schon freigeschaltet wurde, eine Demo raus. Diese enthält das Tutorial und die ersten 4 Missionen.
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Alt 17-05-2016, 08:45
Benutzerbild von Vittel
Vittel Vittel ist offline
Ex-Nick: OliBeu

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Ort: Lieber Meiden
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OL Nick: SwlssT4nk
Style: CnCForen Standard Style: Standard
Ich finds toll das Petro so fleissig patcht. Aber die neue Fraktion und 2-3 Maps sind langsam bitter nötig ^^
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Alt 24-05-2016, 22:52
Benutzerbild von Sven
Sven Sven ist offline

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OL Nick: xysvenxy
Style: cncboard
2. Fraktion kommt am Samstag Es ist
8-Bit Armies: Guardians is an additional military faction for the original 8-Bit Armies Real-Time Strategy game. Guardians includes new units and some additional structures to play with in both Multiplayer and Skirmish modes with the AI or your online friends. The additional faction is FREE at the moment for all 8-Bit Armies players and is forward and backward compatible with all previously released and future content for the game.

The Guardians Faction includes some common-use structures and units in addition to these new weapons of destruction...

Grenade Infantry: Throws deadly AOE grenades against ground targets for maximum damage
Sniper Infantry: Long-range infantry that can stealth while not firing on ground and air units
Rocket Car: Fast scout vehicle which is also useful against air and ground forces
APC: Unarmed infantry transport that can hold up to 10 units safely
Scorch Tank: Fires a deadly cone of fire at a target. When destroyed, causes a huge fireball that damages nearby enemies
Spectre Tank: Light tank unit with stealth capability. Reveals only when attacking ground-based foes
Siege Artillery: Longer distance artillery unit with a more focused impact damage radius
Anti-Air Drone: Autonomously hurls itself against enemy air units in the vicinity, exploding on contact
Heavy Drone: Heavy-weapons aircraft with both rocket and machine-gun capability which is good in all types of situations
Satellite Uplink: Controls the Orbital Cannon super-weapon to snipe units and structures from space with multiple rounds
Cannon Turret: Great defensive structure against enemy vehicles
Scorch Turret: Very effective defense against infantry units attempting to infiltrate the player's base
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Alt 25-05-2016, 09:43
Benutzerbild von Vittel
Vittel Vittel ist offline
Ex-Nick: OliBeu

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OL Nick: SwlssT4nk
Style: CnCForen Standard Style: Standard
Im Discord betteln alle für den Zugang zum Beta Testen... Die flippen fast aus ^^
Freue mich so auf NOD
Es fehlt eigentlich nur noch ein Replay system, dann wäre das Grundgerüst mal ziemlich abgedeckt.
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