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Alt 18-08-2004, 14:14
Benutzerbild von Mobius
Mobius Mobius ist offline
Juggernaut Mechaniker

Registriert seit: Jul 2002
Beiträge: 1.344
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Style: Renegade
Hm, irgendwie habe ich es damals doch noch geschafft, nur beim Neuaufsetzen des Servers bekomme ich erneut Fehler, der FDS an sich läuft mit dem RenRem Wrapper ganz ordentlich.

Nur will der BRenBot partout nicht starten und bricht mit der schmucken Fehlermeldung

servers@linux:~/renserver/brenbot-135> ./brenbot
Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden at -e line 640.


servers@linux:~/renserver/brenbot-135> cat brenbot.cfg
#--Start Configuration-IRC-----------------------------------------------------------------
# Edit the information below for your setup.
# At least edit BotName and IrcChannel.

BotName = MMLive
BotFullName = BRenBot 1.33
IrcServer =
IrcPort = 6668
IrcChannel = #mmlive


# Enable auth via "Q" or "Nickserv" below. Sample input is shown.
Qauth = 0
Qusername = RenBot01
Qpassword = mypassword
# Note for Nickserv auth you give the name of nickserv and the full ident string as example
Nickservauth = 0
Nickservname = Nickserv
Nickservauth = identify RenBot01 mypassword

#--Windows or Linux-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# BotMode MUST be "WIN32" for windows servers, or "LFDS" for Linux servers.

BotMode = LFDS

#--Remote Admin Settings------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next 3 lines should be the same info that is in your server.ini
# Note: Although it says "Linux" its the same for Win32 :-)

RenRemLinuxHost =
RenRemLinuxPort = 4853
RenRemLinuxPassword = xxxx

#--FDS Installation-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Verify these paths are correct with your Renegade installation.
# Note: FDSLogFilePath must end with the trailing slash (as example below)!!
# Note: Linux users use forward slashes (/) in your paths.

FDSConfigFile = /home/servers/renserver/Server/data/svrcfg_cnc.ini
FDSLogFilePath = /home/servers/renserver/Server/

#--Miscellaneous Settings-----------------------------------------------------------------
# Every x minutes the bot will announce a random line from AutoAnnounceFile.
AutoAnnounceInterval = 600
# LadderLookup currently not working. Do not turn it on or it will hang the bot.
EnableLadderLookup = 0
# Set this to 0 or anything but 1 to disable voting.
VotingEnabled = 1
# How long people get to place votes.  Default here is 60 seconds.
VotingPeriod = 60
# Set vehicle kick to 1 for Sniper servers
VehicleKick = 0

#--BR Configuration Files----------------------------------------------------------------
# BR Config Files - You shouldn't have to change these names. You can still open them with notepad.
AutoAnnounceFile = autoannounce.brf
Messagesfile = messages.brf
AdminsFile = admins.brf
MastersFile = masters.brf
KickLogFile = kicklog.brf
BanLogfile = banlog.brf

#--End Configuration-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Bevor ich's vergesse:
Suse 9.1 (\o/, ja das mit dem Yast )
Kernel: 2.6.5-7.104-default
Perl: This is perl, v5.8.3

Geändert von Mobius (18-08-2004 um 14:29 Uhr).
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