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Alt 07-10-2005, 13:55
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XWIS übernimmt Westwood Online: EA Pressemitteilung

Ihr habt richtig gelesen, das Strike-Team, XWIS, übernimmt WOL bzw. WOL wird absofort auf XWIS umgeleitet. Im Klartext heißt das: Es gibt absofort wieder eine Clan und Singleplayer Ladder die betreut wird, einen funktionierenden Chat und Anti-Cheat Support. Eine Affengeile Sache wenn ihr mich fragt

Hier die offizielle Pressemitteilung von EA:
EA Partners with XWIS Community Service
Discussion topic, help and information can be found by clicking this link

Greetings from your C&C Community Manager!

To continue the ten year anniversary celebration of the widely popular Command and Conquer franchise, I am pleased to reveal EA’s partnership with XWIS (XCC WOL IRC SERVER)!

Through this partnership, all Command and Conquer games formerly supported by EA/Westwood Online will be redirected through XWIS, thus instituting XWIS as the main online game server management team. XWIS is a community driven online game server that launched in October 2003 to replace the XCC Community Ladder. The new and improved features enabled include chat, in-game ranks, matching filters, lobby monitoring, improved Quick-Match, and fully functional automatic ladders for clans and individual tournament players. The beauty of this partnership is that you won’t have to download any external programs to utilize XWIS. All the enabled features and connections to the servers are already integrated into the supported games!

I’m also excited to share with you that the Strike Team will be monitoring the banning and anti-cheat controls on a daily basis and will provide technical support as needed. The Strike Team is a website built of hardcore Command and Conquer fans and is sponsored by the EA German Community Team. Their goal is to ensure a controlled and fun online environment for all players.

XWIS will commence a two week trial period with Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 and Command & Conquer Red Alert 2: Yuri’s Revenge. Once this trial is completed on Oct. 20th, XWIS will be supporting the following EA/Westwood online games:

* Command & Conquer Red Alert 2
* Command & Conquer Red Alert 2: Yuri’s Revenge
* Command & Conquer Tiberian Dawn
* Command & Conquer The Covert Operations
* Command & Conquer Red Alert
* Command & Conquer Red Alert: Counterstrike
* Command & Conquer Red Alert: Aftermath
* Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun
* Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun: Firestorm
* Command & Conquer Renegade
* Dune 2000
* Nox
* Emperor: Battle for Dune

EA is 100% dedicated to the Command and Conquer franchise and wants to ensure a strong and secure online gameplay environment. Long live Command and Conquer! We hope to see resurgence in the legions of NOD and GDI followers claiming ground online.

Good luck soldier. Hit the hot keys and get online with Command and Conquer!



Community Manager & Marketing Liaison

Electronic Arts LA

“every day is community day”

Geändert von MrYuRi (07-10-2005 um 18:33 Uhr).
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