für alle die die official foren net lesen: 1.6 Vorschau
Hi Leute, hier mal ne Vorschau ,für alle die nicht in den offiziellen Foren lesen..
Viel Spaß, (unveränderter beitrag). Dear C&C Generals players, We are hard at work on Patch 1.6. We don't have a full update on when it'll be out and exactly what is included but we know the basics at this time. We're testing and looking to get this baby out soon. In the meantime, here's a short update on the balance adjustments... - Gattling Cannon/Gattling Tank no longer fire through buildings. - Gattling Tank should now move slower when damaged. - Make sure full health Superweapons and Command Centers cannot be taken out with the upgraded weapon. - Fixed bug where upgraded Scud Storm weapon had a smaller damage radius, and did less damage than regular scud storm missiles. - MiG armor cost increased from 500 to 1000. - MiG cost increased from 1000 to 1200. - Looking at the decreasing the cost or increasing the power/armor of the USA Power Plant w/ rod upgrade...more later on this. PS. One of the biggies in the patch is fixing a bug with setting firewall ports. More details later. ------- Hört sich meiner Meinung nach sehr vernünftig an, was die migs betrifft ![]() So und jetzt zerfleischt den Thread ![]() Gruß Nudelchen achja , nochwas : der Beitrag stammt von Harvard-EAP
Mein Ziel im Leben : Mig-Preis auf 1300, langsameres wenden, stärkere humvees, billigere US Supply Center, Leider hat mich der Osterhase net erhört ![]() Geändert von Dampfnudel (02-05-2003 um 13:39 Uhr). |